Image of Portajoyas 'Trasgu'

Portajoyas 'Trasgu'

14.00 - Sold out

-Portajoyas con forma de mano de Trasgu.

-El Trasgu es un duende pequeñucu, de apariencia humana, muy vivaz, de gesto picardioso, suele ser cojo o tener la mano izquierda agujereada. En el occidente asturiano se le conoce como el Diablu Burlón, trasno, cornín y Xuán dos camíos.

-Es duende casero y es muy difícil deshacerse de él, para librarse de él, a veces resulta el encomendarle tareas imposibles.
Por la noche entra en las casas si está el fuego encendido. Si está de buen humor y le tratan bien, se preocupa de trabajar colocando las cosas en su sitio, limpia y barre la casa.

-Cuando está malhumorado, porque le han tratado mal, hace travesuras en la casa, revuelve las arcas y cajones, cambia y rompe cacharros, esconde objetos, saca las vacas del establo y lo lleva al abrevadero espantando a las reses, alborota y grita.
Para que no vuelva a la casa, puesto que tiene la mano agujereada y presume de dejar todo como lo encuentra, lo mejor es mandarle hacer una de éstas tres cosas :
-Extender linaza o mijo por el suelo y que la recoja del suelo
-Poner blanca una pelleja de carnero negro
-Traer un paxu lleno de agua de mar.

-El Trasgu, escrupuloso de su función, intenta recoger los granos, pero se le escapan por la mano agujereada. Al no poder hacer lo indicado, entonces avergonzado, se va para no volver.

-Mide aproximadamente 13,5 cm de largo y 1 cm de alto.

- Está realizada barro blanco con un círculo en engobe marrón. Es apto para lavavajillas y aguanta perfectamente el calor.

- Al ser un producto cerámico esmaltado no absorbe pigmentos y es fácil de limpiar.

- Está hecho a mano, es un diseño orgánico y no es perfecto, ahí reside su belleza. Es una pieza única, pintada a mano. Pueden contener pequeñas imperfecciones e irregularidades fruto de su elaboración y decoración totalmente manual, lo que las hace especiales y diferentes

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-Trasgu hand-shaped jewelry holder.

-The Trasgu is a small goblin, human in appearance, very lively, with a mischievous gesture, he is usually lame or has a hole in his left hand. In western Asturias it is known as the Diablu Burlón, trasno, cornín and Xuán dos camíos.

-He is a house elf and it is very difficult to get rid of him. To get rid of him, sometimes it is necessary to entrust him with impossible tasks.
At night he enters houses if the fire is lit. If he is in a good mood and is treated well, he takes care to work putting things in their place, cleans and sweeps the house.

-When he is in a bad mood, because he has been treated badly, he makes mischief in the house, goes through the chests and drawers, changes and breaks pots, hides objects, takes the cows out of the stable and takes them to the watering hole, scaring away the cattle, makes a fuss and shouts.
So that he does not return to the house, since his hand is pierced and he presumes to leave everything as he finds it, it is best to order him to do one of these three things:
-Spread flaxseed or millet on the ground and pick it up from the ground
-Make a black sheep skin white
-Bring a paxu filled with sea water.

-The Trasgu, scrupulous about his function, tries to collect the grains, but they escape through his holey hand. Not being able to do what is indicated, then ashamed, he leaves and never returns.

-Measures approximately 13,5 cm in diameter and 1 cm high.

- It's made of white clay with a brown slip circle. It's dishwasher safe and withstands heat perfectly.

- As it's a glazed ceramic product, it doesn't absorb pigments and is easy to clean.

- It's handmade, it's an organic design and it's not perfect, that is where its beauty lies. It's a unique piece, hand painted. They may contain small imperfections and irregularities resulting from their completely manual preparation and decoration, which makes them special and different.

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