Image of Sticker 'Laxe dos Carballos'

Sticker 'Laxe dos Carballos'


↟ Sticker 'Laxe dos Carballos' ↟

-Pegatina con ilustración del petroglifo Laxe dos Carballos.

-Los petroglifos son diseños simbólicos grabados en roca, realizados desgastando su capa superficial y suelen estar datados durante el periodo de la Edad del Bronce.

-Medidas: 9 cm de diámetro dependiendo de la ilustración.

-Material: Impresas en vinilo apto para exteriores.

-Perfecta para decorar tu botella de agua, tu cuaderno o incluso tu coche.

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↟ Sticker 'Laxe dos Carballos' ↟

-Sticker with illustration of the Laxe dos Carballos petroglyph.

-Petroglyphs are symbolic designs engraved on rock, made by wearing away its surface layer and are usually dated during the Neolithic period.

-Measurements: 9 cm in diameter depending on the illustration.

-Material: Printed on vinyl suitable for outdoor use.

-Perfect to decorate your water bottle, notebooks or even your car.

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